Indian madder, extract

kr. 100,00kr. 350,00


Extract of Indian madder (Rubia cordifolia). Indian madder, also known as munjeet, is a relative of the European / Middle Eastern madder (Rubia tinctorum) that is typically used as a dye in Europe, and originates in Iran. Indian madder originates in India or the surrounding area, and was the tradition source of red color in India, Nepal, and Tibet. Red dyeing has a 4000 year long history in the area.

The extract is very concentrated, and it is possible to obtain beautiful, saturated hues at just 5% of the yarn weight, so using 5 g of extract to dye 100 g of yarn. Well suited as a dye for alum mordanted animal fibers such as wool and silk. Great for dyeing speckled yarns.

Also popular as a soapmaking ingredient!

Additional information


25 g, 100 g