Rauma pattern with yarn

kr. 25,00


Rauma has a huge catalogue of knitting patterns – all in Norwegian.

Browse patterns for Vams here.

Browse patterns for Finull here.

We only sell patterns for Vams and Finull, as we carry these yarns.

In order to buy Rauma yarn and pattern, put the yarn in your basket – se our selection of Vams and Finull – along with this product, the pattern. Write the number of the pattern you would like to order in order comments. If you need help in finding the pattern number or determining the amount of yarn, write to hej@astridsbutik.dk

The pattern is delivered printed out with the yarn.

Please note!! Rauma patterns are only sold with at least 4 skeins of Rauma yarn. Purchase of Rauma pattern without yarn is not possible.